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Recruiting Tips

3 Tips to Recruit and Train Other Insurance Agents for Your Downline

December 29, 20222 min read

“Recruiting Active Agents is far harder than recruiting lazy agents” - Jeff Weidner

Recruiting and training other insurance agents for your downline can be an effective way to grow your agency and increase your yearly revenue. Here are three steps to follow when recruiting and training agents for your downline:

  1. Identify potential recruits: To find potential recruits for your downline, you can network with other agents, attend industry events, or use social media to connect with people who may be interested in becoming insurance agents.

  2. Screen and interview candidates: Once you have identified potential recruits, it's important to screen and interview them to ensure they are a good fit for your agency. This may involve reviewing their resume, conducting a phone or in-person interview, and checking their references.

  3. Train and support new agents: Once you have identified and recruited new agents for your downline, it's important to provide them with the training and support they need to succeed. This may involve providing mentorship, access to resources and tools, and ongoing training and development opportunities.

By following these three steps, you can effectively recruit and train other agents for your downline and grow your agency. By building a strong team of agents, you can increase your yearly revenue and achieve your business goals.

where to recruit and hire insurance agents

Top 8 places to recruit Insurance Agents:

Here are 8 places on the internet where you can find potential insurance agents to recruit for your agency:

  • Popmix Media: We speak to hundreds of Agents every single month and many of them are looking for a new home. Talk to us about our recruiting package.

  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking site that can be a great place to find insurance agents. You can search for potential candidates based on their location, experience, and skills. We can show you how to automate most of this process inside Popmix CRM.

  • Social media: Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can be useful for finding insurance agents. You can use hashtags and join relevant groups to connect with potential recruits. Get the word out that you are hiring and training Insurance Agents.

  • Insurance industry events: Attending industry events such as conferences and trade shows can be a great way to meet potential agents and recruit them for your agency.

  • Insurance agent associations: Joining and participating in insurance agent associations can provide opportunities to connect with and recruit other agents.

  • Insurance industry blogs: Many insurance industry blogs have job boards or directories where you can find potential agents to recruit.

  • Insurance industry job boards: Many insurance companies and industry organizations have job boards where you can find potential agents to recruit.

  • Referrals from current agents: Asking your current agents for referrals can be a good way to find potential recruits for your agency.

By using these sources, you can find a wide range of potential insurance agents to recruit for your agency.

recruitinginsurance agentschecklist
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Popmix Media is a Full Suite Sales, Marketing and Recruitment Marketing Technology Agency backed by over 25 years experience developing tech stacks for global F1000 companies..

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FAQ's about Popmix CRM

Is it really a free trial?

Yes, if you cancel before the end of the 7-day trial you will not be charged. We collect the credit card to protect against fraudulent accounts and to secure your account.

Do I need to know how to code?

No, in fact to prove it this entire site was built without any HTML, CSS or Javascript. We could have showed off but that's not how we roll...

Can I add my own CSS, HTML or Javascript?

Yes, there are sections inside the forms, surveys, funnels and websites where you can add your own CSS, HTML and Javascript.

It's dope.

Are there plugins, widgets or template updates?

Ah, no. This isn't a Wordpress Site Builder. We do have lots of templates for career webinars, SMS and email campaigns,.

Can I use it run my ecomm store?

Yes, but there are better alternatives like Shopify.

Can I use it to run my blogging site?


Is my data secure?

Yes, the software has a lot of security built into it at multiple layers. Public Cloud Cluster Servers, Cloudflare with unlimited scalability.

Do I need anything else?

SMS numbers are included but if you want email you need either an SMTP service (Gsuite or Outlook etc).

Can I have my own domain/subdomain name?

Yes, the platform supports both subdomain and domains. Example: or

Can we accept payments

through the platform?

Yes, some clients use it to sell add on services like training classes, coaching services or products using the Stripe or Paypal integrations.

Can you set up my account?

Yes, we can certainly help you set up your account. We do have step by step videos for on boarding and we have live (as in real person) support.

What if I want to cancel?

See ya, you can cancel at any time. You can download all your data and move it into your next system. We'll hold your account in backups for about 12 months.

FAQ's about Popmix CRM

Is it really a free trial?

Yes, if you cancel before the end of the 7-day trial you will not be charged. We collect the credit card to protect against fraudulent accounts and to secure your account.

Do I need to know how to code?

No, in fact to prove it this entire site was built without any HTML, CSS or Javascript. We could have showed off but that's not how we roll...

Can I add my own CSS, HTML or Javascript?

Yes, there are sections inside the forms, surveys, funnels and websites where you can add your own CSS, HTML and Javascript. It's dope.

Are there plugins, widgets or template updates?

Ah, no. This isn't a Wordpress Site Builder. We do have lots of templates for career webinars, SMS and email campaigns,.

Can I use it run my ecomm store?

Yes, but there are better alternatives like Shopify.

Can I use it to run my blogging site?


Is my data secure?

Yes, the software has a lot of security built into it at multiple layers. Public Cloud Cluster Servers, Cloudflare with unlimited scalability.

Do I need anything else?

SMS numbers are included but if you want email you need either an SMTP service (Gsuite or Outlook etc).

Can I have my own domain/subdomain name?

Yes, the platform supports both subdomain and domains. Example: or

Can we accept payments through the platform?

Yes, some clients use it to sell add on services like training classes, coaching services or products using the Stripe or Paypal integrations.

Can you set up my account?

Yes, we can certainly help you set up your account. We do have step by step videos for on boarding and we have live (as in real person) support.

What if I want to cancel?

See ya, you can cancel at any time. You can download all your data and move it into your next system. We'll hold your account in backups for about 12 months.

All our services include a free 30 day optimization, so when you are ready to start sending sales traffic to your funnel, Landing Page, Website or Membership Area we can ensure our optimization tools are in place to start to optimize. We provide ongoing training and support to you and your team to make sure they understand what’s happening inside each stage of your marketing automation processes.


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